Response to Intervention

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 has authorized local education agencies to use Response to Intervention “RtI” models. RtI is a national movement designed to accomplish three important goals: 1) ensure all students receive research based instruction, 2) provide progress monitoring tools that will be utilized in making data-based decisions in terms of interventions and modifications, and 3) provide a more practical method of identifying students as learning disabled (i.e., rather than strictly using a discrepancy model).

More specifically, RtI is an integrated approach that includes general, remedial, and special education. It is based on a three-tiered model that monitors student progress with different levels of intervention intensity. By providing scientifically-based intervention to students, monitoring progress on interventions, and using this information to determine who is in need of more intensive services, RtI further builds on the requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

The interventions themselves, in conjunction with comprehensive testing (i.e., intelligence testing, achievement testing, developmental history, etc.), assist in the determination of a student’s verification for special education services.

Bobbi Hightree –
Billie Sitzmann –